On Sunday, in the morning, I went to watch my first triathlon in Piedra Roja (Red Rock). It was interesting with lots of people. The competition was very long with 2 or 3 different distances and the first man finished in two hours. For the last part, running, cyclist with numbers of the first three places rode behind the competitors (who were in the lead). Good idea!
El lunes, tuvimos una "prueba" en educación física en volibol. En la parte del anteabrazos, hice mal...como un 5 jaja ooops y muy bien con dedos...un 7. No puede ganar todo! Tambien recivimos las notas del PSU para lenguaje. Mi nota fue 346 que es lo mismo de 4.6. No es muy mal para lenguaje que es en español... =]
On Monday, we had a "quiz"in gym in volleyball. In the the forarm part, I did bad...like a 5 (out of 7 aka like a 68) haha ooops and very good with fingers (setting)...a 7 (out of 7 aka 100). You can't win it all! We also recieved our scores from the PSU for Lenguaje (SPanish for Spanish). My grade was a 346 that is the same as 4.6 (out of 7). It's not bad for Lenguaje that's in Spanish...=]
No fui a escuela el martes porque ellos tomaron el SIMCE, un examen obligatoria para III medio en Chile. Es como un examen en la clase de español en los EEUU. Otro cuatro día semana. =] Y para hacerlo mejor, reciví un paquete de mi mama de los EEUU con Peeps (dulces de azucar yummm), mezclas para pasteles y Brownies (libre de gluten!), y partes del periodico de Kutztown con noticias de mi escuela y compañeros. Qué emocionante! Hice Brownies y es el primer postre como pastel que he comido desde llegué. Delicioso!
I didn't go to school Tuesday because they took the SIMCE, a manditory exam for Juniors in Chile. Its like a spanish test (in the US). Another 4 day week. ='] And to make it better, I got a package from my US mom with Peeps, cake and brownie mix (free of gluten!), and articles from the newspaper in Kutztown with news of my school and classmates. How exciting! I made brownies and it is the first cake like dessert that I have eaten since I arrived. Delicious!
Miercoles fue...diferente. Despues de historía y química, los alumnos de III medio fue dividido para acompañar los otros cursos más joven para dar pistas a encontrar los alumnos del IV medio. Por lo tanto, tuvimos un guerra del agua. LOCO =] IV Medio tuvo un "túnel" que alumnos (incluye yo) fuimos en... Agua, ketchup, y otras cosas (que olfean muy mal) fue tirado a nosotros. Afuera del túnel hubo globos de agua y botellas de agua que usamos para mojar todo.
Wednesday was...different. After history and chem, the juniors were divided to accompany the other younger grades to give clues to find students of the senior class. Following, we had a water war. CRAZY =] The seniors had a "tunnel" that students, including me, went in... water, ketchup, and other things (that smelled really bad) were thrown at us. Outside the tunnel, there were water balloons and bottles of water that we used to soak everyone.
Hoy, los alumnos del III Medio fueron dados corvatas que significan que ahora, nosotros somos lo más grande estudiantes en el escuela y tenemos una responsibilidad que viene con la edad durante nuestro último año. Ademas, en una desfile con mucho emociones, despidimos a los alumnos de IV medio. En los EEUU, se dice Adios, Ciao y hay nadie que quiere quedarse. Es como, nos vamos....*corren por la puerta* jaja Pero acá es como ellos están dejando más de solamente compañeros (de todos los cursos) pero se están saliendo la familia. Hubo mucho llorando. Pienso que chilenos en todo que hacen, son un familia y tiene más reconocimiento de los lazos de amistad. Eso es mi mejor descripción, es muy difícil a describir.
Today, the juniors were given ties that signify that now, we are the biggest students in the school and we have a responsibility that comes with the age during our last year. Additionally, in a parade with many emotions, we said goodby to the seniors. (This was their last week in the school, minus their tests) In the US, they say See ya, Bye and there is nobody that wants to stay. It's like, we are headed off...*they run through the door* haha But here it is like they are leaving more than just classmates (of all the grades) buy they are leaving the family. There was a lot of crying. I think that Chileans in everything that they do, are a family and have more appreciation of the bonds of friendship of an "extended" family. That is my best description, it is very difficult to describe.
Also, I love being able to see the mountians. After it rains, the air is clean and the mountains are super clear...so here are some photos of awesome mountains. I took them today, they are newly coated in snow =D
From the house:
For more photos:
Part 1
Part 2
Check back in a day or two for a link to videos of Chilean dances during the cutural week.
One last quick thought...in English:
Remember the days when all I wanted was the newest racecar track or a set of walkie talkies. Now I'm asking to spend a year in another country (which I'm doing...yay!) ...how times change! I am so incredible fortunate to have this oppurtunity!